Guidelines for Our Regathering in Person at Church
1. Wear a mask or face covering properly—cover your nose and mouth—at all times. A free mask will be provided to anyone who has none.
2. Sanitize your hands before entering the sanctuary or basement. Sanitizers are available at the entrance. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water even after using sanitizer, if you can.
3. Keep your hands off from your face, eyes, nose, and mouth.
4. Maintain social distancing – at least six feet apart from each other.
5. Sit on a pew that is reserved for you and your family. Look for your name. This will be your spot until the pandemic ends. There will be open spots for non-regular church goers and guests.
6. Find your order of worship and offering envelope in your seat.
7. Use the Bible and hymnals assigned to you. Do not share them with others.
8. Bring your offering to the chancel where we place our offering plate.
9. Only one person can use the restroom at a time.
“Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.”
Philippians 2:4 (NRSV)